PBSO Motor Unit Hosts Civilian Motorcycle Course
WHAT: OPERATION RIDE SMART is a groundbreaking event led by law enforcement to promote motorcycle safety awareness.
PBSO Motor Unit is hosting a civilian SMART (Safe Motorcycle and Rider Techniques) Program at the Training Facility (Driving pad) on Sunday, May 5, 2024.
This course is designed to teach the rider; Hazard recognition, Slow maneuvering, Sudden lane change, Braking and escaping, Group riding, Accident avoidance. Class is limited to 15 students. This course helps students demonstrate safe motorcycle riding techniques by negotiating commonly found street riding situations in a controlled and skill-oriented manner.
WHERE: PBSO Driving Training Facility
689 Pike Road
West Palm Beach
WHEN: Sunday, May 5, 2024
TIME: 10:00 am
Tampa Police Department and Collier County Sheriff’s Office Motor Units are touring the southern half of Florida to bring awareness to the State of Florida’s Motorcycle Safety Month. This journey joined in partnership with PBSO Motor Unit is to highlight the state’s motorcycle SMART class.