Forensic Biology

The Forensic Biology Unit

The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office Forensic Biology Unit (FBU) conducts serological and DNA testing on physical evidence from criminal cases for all law enforcement agencies in Palm Beach County. Currently, the FBU conducts DNA testing on thousands of items of evidence each year. Since the implementation of DNA analysis on biological evidence, DNA profiles that have been entered into the DNA database known as CODIS (Combined DNA Index System), have aided in countless investigations.

The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office Crime Laboratory started in 1970 with only a Serology Unit, staffed with one scientist specializing in the identification of biological fluids. With the addition of DNA testing in 1993, the FBU has been in a constant state of improvement, keeping up with the latest technology and methods in DNA analysis. Along with the increased demand for conducting serological and DNA testing on casework evidence, the Forensic Biology Unit staff has increased as well. In addition to conducting laboratory work and testifying results in a court of law, the scientists in the FBU are involved in the use of state-of-the-art new technologies, research, and participation in national and international scientific meetings and committees.

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Forensic Sciences and Technology Facility
3075 Gun Club Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33406-3001

(561) 688-4816
