Female Suspects Wanted for Attempted Abduction of One-Year Old Boy

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Female Suspects Wanted for Attempted Abduction of One-Year Old Boy

The mother with the child strapped to her back was in front of her residence vacuuming her vehicle when she felt someone standing behind her.

When she looked up she noticed a female dressed all in black trying to grab her baby from the sling on her back.

The victim was able to fight off the female suspect. Once realizing the abduction was unsuccessful the female fled to an awaiting silver four door Honda.

Suspect 1, was described as a heavy set, white female, approximately 5’2 to 5’3.

She was wearing a long black sleeved t-shirt, black pants and a black hood covering her entire head, where only her eyes could be seen.

Suspect 2, remained in the vehicle. She was also a heavy-set white female, with light colored brown hair, wearing dark sunglasses.

The motive of this attempted abduction is unknown.

This incident occurred today, March 2, 2017 at 9:46 am. The home is located in the 2800 block of Nokomis Ave, West Palm Beach.

Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-458-TIPS.

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