What’s Closed this Weekend?

For those making plans for the weekend, these are the businesses that remain closed in Palm Beach County. Bars, nightclubs, strip clubs, hookah and other smoking bars, bowling alleys, arcades, playhouses, concert and movie theaters. The complete list can be found here: http://discover.pbcgov.org/PDF/COVID19/PBC-EO-15.pdf

Perfumer Pilferer

We understand times are hard, but we can't end up here. This person is wanted for stealing fragrances from Ulta Beauty. She entered the store and helped herself to fragrances worth over $1900. This took place on July 7, at the Ulta Beauty in the Village of Wellington.

Children in Hot Cars

We can't stress enough how important it is not to leave your children or pets in the car. We see it way too often. We arrested this mother for leaving her toddler in a hot car while shopping at Wellington Green Mall. Thamyres Ponce, was charged with Child Neglect.