Building Bridges

Cops Helping Kids - Building Bridges

Building Bridges

PBSO Captain Rolando Silva developed a program within the “Cops Helping Kids” organization called “Building Bridges” which helps the children of imprisoned parents.

Many of these young children are hurting emotionally due to their inability to connect with their fathers or mothers due to sometimes lengthy prison sentences. To soften the hurt, the program entails
1.) The parent who is in prison, personally writes a Christmas card to their children,
2.) Cops Helping Kids finds what type of gifts the children need,
3). A Volunteering PBSO Deputy transports the Christmas card with the gifts to these children.

We have found that this act brings so much joy and hope for these children who would normally be sad because of the missing parent during the Holidays.

The reality is, kids love their parents despite their circumstances and this brings them closer.

We thank the Cops Helping Kids Inc. Board, Captain Silva and Captain Tutko for giving all day Saturday to children in need by driving to Highlands County and Belle Glade to accomplish this.