Deputies Help Citizens in Trouble in Time of Need.


Deputies Help Citizens in Trouble in Time of Need.

For our ‪#‎ShareTheGood‬ Campaign, we got this from a fan.

“My daughter & son-in law were working late today, so I volunteered to pick up the kids. Turning on a main road, I accidentally clipped the median and knew right away I should inspect the tire. I pulled over at a gas station & sure enough the tire was losing air.

By the time I reached the the air machine a few feet away, the tire was completely flat. Driving on it would surely cause more substantial damage, so I called my daughter and my cell phone provider. Wouldn’t you know it, after so many years of having roadside assistance with them, I no longer have it. With a bad back, shoulder, etc. & two exhausted kids in the back under 8 years old, I pondered my options. Just then I saw a police vehicle across the way and flagged it down. Not only did the deputy come right over, but he also spent quite a bit of time changing my tire after I explained I was from out of town & visiting family & couldn’t make it out of the parking lot. This is what I call going above and beyond. As he helped me out, we chatted & I found out he was a veteran of the Navy and has a beautiful family. Another deputy showed up later on and between the two of them got us all set & on the road again; even going so far as putting everything back in the trunk when finished. I’d like to thank these two officers, Sgt. Walters & Deputy Timm, of the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office for your help. The ‪#‎PBSO‬ is fortunate to have these deputies who exemplify and take their oath of to serve and protect above and beyond.‪#‎TheseTwoDeputiesAreGreatCops‬ ‪#‎Thankyou‬ #PBSO

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